The Day is Coming: We are One

Let justice roll down like waters,
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
~Amos 5:24
 Worship without justice is not acceptable,
rather our songs must move us to action on behalf of justice.
Inspired by the Hebrew prophet Amos, the
 “Roll Down Justice” series will offer us reflection and renewed inspiration to let our voices be tuned to the heart of the Gospel–proclaiming God’s love for all people. What prejudices are we challenged to “give up,” and further, how are we willing to give of
ourselves for the sake of the world?

You can find Peace Community of Faith archived audio worships at:
and video worships on our website at

Important Announcement

Next Sunday, September 20, Peace Community of Faith will begin in-person worship at 10 am, implementing safety guidelines during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Our reopening plan encourages people over 60 and/or with compromising health conditions, or who work in Covid-19 high risk atmospheres, to carefully consider the risks involved with in-person gatherings.

Peace will also be providing a continuing on-line worship experience until it is safe for us all to gather together on Sunday morning.