Best News of the Week:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: ‘Inspiring, revolutionary, a fighter’

News from Peace:

Making the Best of a Virtual World
by David Tidball

With close personal contact still a health-threatening endeavor, our church music groups are still not able to gather together for weekly rehearsals. And, though we are beginning in-person worship sessions this month, much of the normal congregational participation will not be happening, and there will be no opportunities for the typical before and after worship fellowship.

In a typical summer, I spend a good deal of time planning the music for the Advent and Christmas celebrations that are coming. Given that our typical Advent Dinner and Christmas at Peace in-person formats will not likely be possible, trying to decide what to do has been an extra challenge.

The decision that seems most likely is that our church musicians will attempt to put together a virtual Christmas music concert that we will make available online or via DVD by the second week in December. Our hope is that this virtual music concert can be the centerpiece of small, in-home Advent Dinner celebrations that faith community participants will plan, either as individual families or together with a few other families. My hope is that I will also be able to schedule a couple of Zoom Christmas Caroling sessions that people can schedule into their in-home Advent Dinner celebrations. These will most likely be on two of the Advent Sunday evenings (November 29, December 6, 13, 20). More specifics on all of this will be coming later.

In Person Worship and a New Worship Series “Life of the Soul”

Worship in the Outdoor Chapel tomorrow Sunday, September 20 at 10 am. Drive up and stay in your car, bring a lawn chair, or sit in one of the chapel benches. There will be safe distancing and masks to keep each other safe. The Temperature should be around 60 at 10 am and may increase to 64 by 11 am. Do the Minnesota thing – dress in layers.

Consider the following before attending:
* Online worship experiences will continue to be available.
* Peace will continue to encourage people 60+ and/or with health vulnerabilities to participate from home and will continue offering worship and connection opportunities for them remotely.
* If you have a fever or other symptoms of contagion stay home.

Life of the Soul

Resurrection is the power of Life in the midst of Death. In “Life of the Soul” we explore how to mindfully experience the power of Life through the presence of the risen Christ.

The faith community that gifted us with the Gospel of John has provided us with a number of powerful ways to experience the presence of the risen Christ in ordinary and extraordinary ways that can transform our lives and our world.

United Methodist Happenings

Clergy: Racial justice is church’s responsibility

Grace Connections of the Week:
Grace connections invites you to find the power of God’s love in the midst of the harm, confusion and news of the week. Below are a few stories from the news of the week.

Video of the Week: Gaming for good: Lual Mayen

Photos of the Week: Devastating wildfires ravage West Coast

Pastel-colored Jupiter dazzles in gorgeous Hubble telescope photo

VIRUS DIARY: Always learning from ‘happy little accidents’