Best News of the Week:

Comet NEOWISE as seen around the world

News from Peace:
This week’s reflection is by Vee Blomgren:

During these difficult times I began journaling. I wanted to share the devotionals. They inspire me to reflect on the many things going on in my life and around me. As I write these questions, I am sharing them with you and hope they can bring about clarity and peace.

If some of you are interested in starting a biweekly group where we can dive in deeper and converse with one another about these reflections via zoom, please email me and let me know.

#1     When your world is dark and threatening, come to me.  Pour your heart to me, knowing I’m listening—and I care.  Find comfort in sovereignty: I’m in control even when global events look terribly out of control.  Actually, many things are not as they should be, not as they were created to be.  You do well to yearn for perfect goodness—someday those longings will be wondrously satisfied.  Consider the prophet Habakkuk as he waited the Babylonian invasion of Judah.  He knew the attack would be brutal, and he wrestled deeply with this prophetic knowledge.  Finally, though, he wrote a hymn of absolute confidence in me.  After describing utterly desperate circumstances, he concluded: “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.”
~Psalm 62:8, Revelation 22:5, Habakkuk 3:17-19, Psalm 42:5

Sarah Young’s Devotional “Embracing Joy in His Presence”

  1. How do you receive knowing that God acknowledges your “dark” times and is listening and cares?
  2. How does many things not being as they should be, apply to you?
  3. Feel free to wrestle with me about your concerns.  I am your STRENGTH!  – Translate this 

L.I.F.E. goes to Africa!
A Zoom meeting has been scheduled with presenter Tanner Mazanec, who will share experiences from his recent time with the Peace Corps in Africa. Save the time–Sunday, July 26, at 2:00 pm–and this Zoom meeting link:

Summer Concert in the Peace Back Lot!
Enjoy an evening of toe-tapping music outdoors in an appropriately socially distanced environment. The Jumpin’ Jehosafats will present a concert beginning at 6:30 pm, Saturday, August 1st, in the Peace Church back parking lot. Watch for more details early next week.

Time for Annual Love Offering
Each summer, the Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church collects funds for the annual Love Offering. These funds provide the opportunity for us to be light and hope for those crying out for love, grace, compassion, and social and racial justice in their lives. The four recipient organizations this year are:
Emma Norton Residences (40%)
Simpson Housing Services (40%)
Joyce Uptown Foodshelf (10%), and
Committee on Native American Ministry Diaper Drive (10%).

Please go to to make your donation today.

The July-August Upper Room is here. If you would like a copy of this daily devotional booklet mailed to your house, please send an email to Cindy ( to request one.

United Methodist Happenings

This video is the first in a weekly series of reflections following the death of George Floyd and the renewed call to end racism. In it, Rev. Frenchye Magee, associate pastor at Hennepin Avenue UMC in Minneapolis, talks about how the murder of George Floyd was a seminal moment, what she has seen and learned, and how she’s called to help her congregation work for racial justice.

Rev. James Lawson: Black Lives Matter a religious movement
As a young man, the Rev. James Lawson was chosen by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to train young civil rights peacemakers to fight racism with love and respect — to step into the fray and say, “I follow Jesus.”

Grace Connections of the Week:
Grace connections invites you to find the power of God’s love in the midst of the harm, confusion and news of the week. Below are a few stories from the news of the week.

Video of the Week: 
Hagia Sophia – Why is this museum-turned-mosque at the center of a culture war?

Photos of the Week: 
‘Wall of Moms’ face down federal officers in Portland

2 Million People in India Gather to Plant 20 Million Trees Along the River Ganges – All While Social-Distancing

Can we harness the extraordinary power of rivers in a way that replenishes ecosystems, rather than harming wildlife?