We are moving inside for worship this Sunday

Looking forward to seeing everyone who can safely join us for at worship this coming Sunday, October 4, 2020 at 10 am. We will worship inside, in the Sanctuary.

There will be safe distancing and masks to keep us safe. It will be important to follow the guidelines so we will be able to continue in-person worship on Sundays.

What will be new for doing in-person worship inside:

  • the north driveway entrance will be blocked off; please enter by the driveway closer to Chippewa Middle School
  • please stop and talk to the parking lot greeter for further instructions before parking
  • you may enter the building by either the door by Pioneer Hall or the doors by the Hodgson Road parking lot; two separate lines will progress from the doors into the sanctuary for worship and out again afterwards
  • building doors will open at 9:45 am
  • once in the building people keep 6 feet distance by staying behind the blue tape on the floor
  • check in with the Attendance Greeter to share your contact information and then move toward the sanctuary
  • at the sanctuary doors pick up your program and receive direction about setting

Consider the following before attending:

Online worship experiences will continue to be available.

Peace will continue to encourage people 60+ and/or with health vulnerabilities to participate from home and will continue offering worship and connection opportunities for them remotely.

If you have a fever or other symptoms of contagion stay home.

Life of the Soul Worship Series

Resurrection is the power of Life in the midst of Death. In “Life of the Soul” we explore how to mindfully experience the power of Life through the presence of the risen Christ.

The faith community that gifted us with the Gospel of John has provided us with a number of powerful ways to experience the presence of the risen Christ in ordinary and extraordinary ways that can transform our lives and our world.