Peace Notes is here to bring you some uplifting news during this coronavirus pandemic as well as keep you up to date on what is happening at Peace and within the United Methodist Church.

Best News of the Week:

The best thing I found this week! The Muppet Movie came out in 1979, its finale could have come out today. “Keep believing.”

Bonus Best!
Last week many professional musicians collaborated in the One World: Together at Home Concert, part of a campaign rallying funds for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization. Below is a video of Keith Urban performing “Higher Love.”

To watch more videos go to:

News from Peace:

Taking Mr. Rogers One Step Farther

In times of disaster, we are often reminded of these words commonly attributed to Mr. Rogers, “Look for the helpers.” These are certainly disastrous times, and we have often been reminded to notice and thank the helpers, aka “heroes”—grocery store clerks, truck drivers, health care workers, and myriad others.

Let us not forget that many of us have the opportunity to be helpers ourselves, too. Maybe not by virtue of our occupation, or the fact that we are obligated to work on the front line in order to put food on the table for our kids, or pay for our medicine or our rent. But by virtue of being Christians, followers of One who constantly provided for and healed others.

Here are two opportunities for you to consider.

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has set up a new Advance, the COVID-19 Response Fund (Advance #3022612). This effort equips partners to assist vulnerable populations around the world impacted by COVID-19, including racial/ethnic and indigenous communities in the US, to address their most pressing needs. Follow the link above to donate.

The Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church is working on a “Masks for Minnesota” initiative. Rev. Lyndy Zabel, director of missional impact and community engagement, who is leading this initiative, says, “As hopeful people, we look forward to the day when the darkness of the virus has subsided. Until then, let’s help ourselves and our communities. My mask protects you; your mask protects me. We are truly all in this together.” Go to “Masks for Minnesota” for how-to instructions, donation sites for health care workers, and other ideas for distributing masks.

Yes, look for the helpers, and—more than that—find a way to be one yourself whenever and wherever you can. Even as you shelter-in-place at home.

News from the Good Neighbor Meal

Thanks to everyone who supports the Good Neighbor Meal. During this time of Covid precautions we are making box lunches and passing them out from the sidewalk. This week we handed out 65 box lunches which includes the ones Amanda and I delivered to families. The remainder are taken by Minnie from Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church. She gives them out to her neighbors in the McDonough neighborhood.  The lunches include a meat/cheese, , a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, a bag of chips (courtesy of the Leatherman’s), fruit and a bottle of water. We also pass out face masks until we run out – if you’re making face masks and looking for a place to donate them contact me. Financial support can be  sent as a check to Peace UMC with Good Neighbor Meal in the memo. The support will go to replace the faucet unit by the dishwasher .  It’s original to the building, about 80 years old, and has started leaking requiring the bucket to be emptied daily. Since the Good Neighbor Meal is the prime user of the dishwasher, I made the decision to pay to replace it. Kudos to Jim Kaufer who has graciously priced out a new unit and has volunteered to install it. We couldn’t host the Good Neighbor Meal without ALL of our wonderful volunteers with many different talents. 

Pam Jacobson
Coordinator of the Good Neighbor Meal

Email Hack

Vee Blomgren’s, our Children’s and Youth Ministry Director, was hacked. She has changed her password, but if you get an email from her that does not something that deals with Peace ministry delete it without opening it! She has changed her password for her email account which will make her email account safer.

A Blessing for First Responders & Healthcare Professionals
During the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020

Yours is a sacred task.
May you find meaning and purpose in the work you are called to do.
May you arrive at your work with resolve and courage,
and when your workday ends,
may you find satisfaction and rest.
May your co-workers see in you a wise and compassionate spirit.
May your work be infused with passion,
and may you not fear your own vulnerability.
May you be a gift of life and love to those you serve
         and to the world.

By Russell Myers, DMin, BCC
Adapted by Edward Holland, MDiv, BCC (ret)

Solidarity Prayer for a Pandemic

May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between preserving their health or paying their rent.
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close remember those who have no options.
May we who have to cancel our trips remember those that have no place to go.
May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market remember those who have no margin at all.
May we who settle in for a long stay at home remember those who have no home.

Christopher Holownia, Jesuit Scholar

The May-June Upper Room is here. If you would like a copy of this daily devotional booklet mailed to your house, please send an email to Cindy ( to request one.

United Methodist Happenings

Filipino Methodist Pastors Fear for Safety due to their social justice work.

Grace Connections of the Week:
Grace connections invites you to find the power of God’s love in the midst of the harm, confusion and news of the week. Below are a few stories from the news of the week.

Video of the Week: 

Military jets flyover NYC in formation to thank first responders

The U.S. Air Force’s elite flying squad, the Thunderbirds, and the Navy’s Blue Angels, flew over New York and New Jersey to thank first responders, military personnel and essential workers who are on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic.

Photos of the Week:
Finding joy amid pandemic’s anxiety and heartache
Joy is visible during the pandemic, just not with the usual, recognizable cues.

VIRUS DIARY: Planting an apple seed, dreaming of tomorrow

U chief: Use pandemic to ‘rebuild our world for the better’