January – February Worship Series
Reflecting Love’s Light

We can see Jesus as a reflection of God as the Spirit of Life. Love’s light is essential for life. During January and February at Peace our worships will explore how we and Jesus reflect the love-light of God. This love-light is present in Jesus’ forgiveness, acceptance, teaching, and compassion. Remaining open to this love-light is a life-long journey that can take many directions and has many intersections. We will go with Jesus into the Jordan River, attend a wedding, visit a synagogue, walk along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, teach on the plain, and look into the brightness of love-light.

During this week’s worship experience, we will explore how God draws near to us. God draws near with an inner voice of love. God rejoices when we see love around us. God invites us to hear and see that we are Beloved.

Peace Conversations Beginning January 22

Saturdays: January 22 through February 26 and March 19 through April 2
Time: 9 am to 10 am
Topic: Reawakening Our Faith: Exploring Celtic Christianity

Based on John Philip Newell’s 2021 book Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World.

Celtic Christianity is a little-known, ecologically based faith that can help us rediscover the natural rhythms of life and deepen our spiritual connection with Life (God), with each other, and with the earth. Each Peace Conversation session will cover one of the following chapters from Sacred Earth Sacred Soul:

Date                                      Session Topic

Saturday, January 22             Sacred Soul
Saturday, January 29             Sacred Feminine
Saturday, February 5             Sacred Flow
Saturday, February 12           Sacred Song
Saturday, March 19               Sacred Matter
Saturday, March 26               Sacred Compassion
Saturday, April 2                    Sacred Journey

While you do not need to read the book to participate in Peace Conversations, for these sessions it will be helpful to read individual chapters as they apply to each session.

Cracking Open the Bible – Tuesdays at 7 pm

A Bible study that uses the tools of modern Biblical interpretation from a progressive Christian perspective, its sessions are currently discussing the book of Acts. Join the discussion a week from Tuesday by clicking the Zoom invite below.

Gary Walpole is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Peace Cracking Open the Bible
Tuesday January 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Sharing Our Joys and Concerns

In our pandemic-influenced world, many things have changed, but not our sense of community. We remain deeply connected even while we maintain a proper physical and social distance. We need to share news with one another. We long to know what is going on in each other’s lives. And we need a safe way to share our joys and concerns. For now, our safe way will be for you to share your joy or concern with Gary (text to 651-387-4095 or email gary@peaceumc.com) and also indicate your permission if you want him to share your news in Sunday worship, and/or with the Prayer Chain (about 25 people), and/or via the full Peace email group (about 175 people).

Peace Winter Retreat January 14-16, 2022 Canceled

Because of the new Omicron strain of the Coronavirus the Peace Winter Retreat has been cancelled. The planners of the retreat will be gathering information about possibly rescheduling for the summer of 2022. Please share any thoughts with Pastor Gary.

On Vacation January 10-14

I will be on vacation January 10-14. Call my cell phone in case of emergency (651-387-4095).