I want to encourage you to join me Saturday, March 26th at 7 pm for the Bobby Jo Valentine concert at Peace Community of Faith/Peace United Methodist Church to honor my ministry and celebrate my retirement! If you have sons and/or daughters that have participated in one of the mission trips with me I would also like you to contact them to attend. I would like to see as many people as possible who have touched my heart during my ministry at the concert so I can say thank you.
I have asked the concert to be a benefit for OutFront Minnesota, a organization I have supported during my ministry for over twenty five years. OutFront Minnesota’s mission is to create a state where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are free to be who they are, love who they love, and live without fear of violence, harassment or discrimination. The concert is free, but a free will offering will be taken for OutFront during the concert.
Bobby Jo Valentine’s website will tell you a lot more about him.
Concert details, including COVID protocol and other information, are on the Peace website.