It has been more than a year since the Minnesota Annual Conference overwhelmingly proclaimed we will be the just, inclusive church God has long called us to be.  We declared we will be a church rooted in Jesus, grounded in Wesleyan theology, inclusive of all persons, and engaged in the work of justice and reconciliation.  

In this time of great uncertainty, many have reached out asking what they can do to live this vision into action.  As Minnesota Methodists, we don’t have all of the answers.  But we do know we must listen to the experiences of others and hold the Minnesota Annual Conference accountable to make this vision a reality.  

This Monday, September 21 from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Minnesota Reconciling Ministries Network is holding a virtual event for individuals, communities, or congregations.  Anyone who is interested in exploring how to create a new way forward for justice and inclusion is welcome to attend.  

We ask you to register by sending an email to with your first and last name, whether you are clergy or laity, and your church and the city it is in.  The deadline for registering is Sunday evening.  

Last year in our vision, we acknowledged the harm done and named the church’s sinful complicity in furthering oppression and discrimination through our words, our actions, and our structures against LGBTQIA+ persons, people of color, women, Native peoples, people with disabilities, and persons with others statuses that have left our siblings marginalized and hurt.