Hello Peace Family,

Today, we devote time to reflect on the International Day of Peace to strengthen the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.

As we observe this day, I cannot think of a better time to reflect on Peace, our beloved building where we carry out our mission – – We invite, welcome, and affirm all people, heal divisions, serve others to create a community for everyone. Our mission is committed to reconciliation, and in turn, we must also reconcile with the repairs and updates that Peace (the building) so desperately needs.

Therefore, we are launching a campaign called the Community Growth Campaign. Our hope is impact areas of the church that fall outside of our regular annual budget.

  • New carpet for the Fellowship Hall                        $11,300
  • New doors for both south side entrances            $10,000
  • Painting inside and outside                                    $11,250
  • Parking lot resurfacing                                             $15,000
  • New monument sign                                               $18,000
  • Funds for future furnace replacement                  $  5,000

            Total Campaign Goal:                                            $70,550

            Commitments to Date:                                          $15,000

            Campaign Goal to Date:                                        $55,550

There are a multitude of ways that our community can grow, which will change the lives of many, but we must get our house in order before we can invite others in.

I’m asking for your help. You are part of our family. We ask that you please choose to make a crucial difference in sustaining our building so that we can invite others to share in our space. We truly want to be Reconciling & Growing FOR EVERYONE.

Please consider a one time or monthly donation. The instructions for how to give are below.

In gratitude and partnership,

Jason Steffenhagen

Community Growth Campaign Donation Directions:

Follow this link to Simple Church Giving (or click below). At this site, you will be able to choose among a few options.

If you would like to give to the general Community Growth Campaign, you can choose the General Community Growth Fund.

If you would like to give to a specific project, you can choose that project. (Once a project is fully funded, additional donations will go towards the general campaign fund.)
