Community Growth Campaign

Hello Peace Family, Today, we devote time to reflect on the International Day of Peace to strengthen the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. As we observe this day, I cannot think of a better time to reflect on Peace, our beloved building...

Wednesday News!

September 21, 2022 Sunday Preview (September 25, 2022) GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE! Jesus has a message for everyone. He gets up on a mountain, people from all around come to hear him speak. And he starts with this, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for their’s is...

Sunday Service Video

Service Date: September 18, 2022 Throughout the Bible, God expresses a desire for people to see themselves as a Community of Priests – as conduits of God’s love and justice. This not only informs who we are to be in the world, but it challenges us to...

State of Peace Video

For those who were not able to attend the State of Peace meeting on Sunday, September 11, the link to the video is below. At this meeting we heard updates from Trustees, SPRC, Finance, and Pastor Jason.  One the exciting announcements was a clarification on our...