March 13, 2022

Peace families – 
It is with great excitement we share the intention of Bishop David Bard to appoint the Pastor Jason Steffenhagen as pastor of Peace Community of Faith. Acting on behalf of the congregation, the Staff/Pastor/Parish Relations Committee and the pastoral search team have affirmed the Bishop’s intention. Each person’s supportive prayers and acts of kindness during the transition period will be greatly appreciated by all the involved persons. 
The pastoral search team met with Pastor Jason and District Superintendent Dan Johnson to get to know him, who he is spiritually, theologically, and personally. He talked about his ​journey from his undergrad business marketing education at Bethel to his experiences over that past 15 years and how he sees himself fit into Peace church’s future. Pastor Jason impressed us with his energy, compassion, knowledge and humor. To quote Pastor Jason, “I just love exploring the Bible. If I wasn’t doing ministry, I don’t know what else I would do!” His ministry definitely aligns with Peace and the direction that we want to move as a congregation.
Pastor Jason is currently serving as an associate pastor at The Well UMC in Rosemount. He, his partner Michelle, and two sons Mateios (12) and Michneyder (6) live in New Brighton. Pastor Jason will begin his journey as our pastor May 1st.  
See below or click on this link to see a pamphlet that will give you more details about him.  
Please join us in welcoming Pastor Jason, Michelle, Mateios and Michneyder.
Pastoral Search Team
