
There's plenty here for you!


Prayer Chain

Members provide a network of care for participants at Peace Church. Contact Carol Mills by clicking on the button below.

Please reach out for support!

Register now for the 2023 Women’s Retreat!


Women’s Retreat

Commission on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) challenges the United Methodist Church to commit to the full participation of women in the life and mission of the church.

At Peace, we sponsor an annual women’s retreat each fall and encourage inclusive language in all we say and do. Contact Pam Jacobson by clicking on the button below.


Connect With a Group

Living in Full Effectiveness (L.I.F.E.) is an open group for seniors wanting to connect around a variety of learning, entertainment, and fellowship time together. Contact Carol Mills by clicking on the button below.

Stay connected!

Everyone is welcome with the minimum age of high schoolers



Music is alive and well in many forms at Peace. See more detailed information on our Music page.

personal expansion

Book Discussion

As a community that is reconciling and growing FOR EVERYONE, we believe that listening and learning from experts and people with different life experiences is vital to our growth and our hope to live as reconcilers. To that end, we have utilized a grant from the MN Annual Conference to study and learn from Ibram X. Kendi’s book How To Be An Anti-Racist.

Click below to download a summary guide with quotes for a conversation. (Event was held Feb. 19, 2023, bu the info is still good.)

Headings are the chapter titles from the book. Page numbers indicate the page from the edition of the book purchased by the grant. Some quotes have bolded portions – these are my (Jason’s) additions for the sake of emphasis.

Let’s explore this together!