Thursday, February 2, 2023

Sunday Preview (February 5, 2023)

Love DIFFERENTLYFor the next 3 Sundays, we are going to dive into the book of RUTH. This short book (only four chapters) is flooded with wisdom and insight for how we can LOVE, SEE, and LIVE DIFFERENTLY. For the Bible nerds – we are going to dive into some fun historical context as we explore the story of these two women in the Ancient Near East. For the theologically inclined – this book has much to debate and speculate and wrestle with. For those that just like a good story that they can learn from – although this story is thousands of years old, the timeless truths are plentiful.

Feb 5 will be taught by Pastor Jason

Feb 12 will be taught by Pastor Jen Spicklemeir (Osseo UMC)

Feb 19 will be taught by Pastor Jason

If you are interested in going a little deeper, check-out the podcast SEARCHING THE SACRED. This podcast (co-hosted by Pastor Jason) does a deep dive into the story of Ruth. Interesting episodes for this series…

Into Moab | Chesed | Returning to Israel | Gleaning

Interested in Missions??

If you would like to learn about how to participate in a missions trip, please contact Pastor Jason ( to get on the email list.

At this time, Jason and Amanda are working with the Family Ministries Team to plan upcoming opportunities for Youth and others to serve. Missions trips will be local (Minneapolis/ St. Paul area), regional (Storm Mountain, South Dakota), and more distant (we are looking into options in Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Hawaii).

Valentine’s Day Tea (sponsored by the LIFE group)

The L.I.F.E. Group will hold a Valentine’s Day Tea in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, February 14 at 2:00.

Join us for tea, fellowship, and a vocal presentation “Love Is in the Air” by Laura Clapp. Please bring a plate of sandwiches or treats to share, your favorite teacup, and a love gift for the residents of Emma Norton.

If you cannot attend the tea but would like to donate personal care items, there is a basket in the Narthex.


Annual Giving Statements

Statements that were not picked up at the Welcome Table have been mailed out. If you have questions about your statement, please contact Jean Broberg (


Join us for the big game. Peace will provide drinks and desserts. Bring a favorite party dish or snack to share.

We will have two places to watch the game: Fellowship Hall (for all those who like to talk, play games, and occasionally glance at the screen); Pioneer Hall (for the football fanatics who are serious about watching the game – and the commercials!)

If you are available to help tear-down, please let us know (email Jason –


We’ve started a PODCAST!

Peace | The Podcast can be found on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, or almost anywhere you find your podcasts.

Most of what you will hear are the Sunday morning messages, with a few additional elements of the Sunday service.

There is also a new page on our website that helps you navigate to the podcast home page. We will also try to embed episodes on this page.

Peace Prayers

  • Hiyala requests prayer for her great grandsons who are being raised by their grandmother. Prayers for stamina and health and growing relationship.

Do you have a specific need?

Do you want to share a specific celebration of gratitude?

Peace Prayers is a space to share specific prayer requests and specific celebrations of gratitude. These are not going to be private…these are public. Our plan is to put them in the bulletin and/ or on a slide in The Commons, and include them in the Tuesday News weekly email.

We invite you to share with one another so we can be a praying people – both in times of hurt and struggle, and in times of joy and celebration. 

You can fill-out Peace Prayers HERE

Volunteer Opportunities

The next Good Neighbor Meal is this Saturday, February 11th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

We need help watering the plants this winter. Sign up here to help.