Sunday’s Preview (September 11, 2022)

This is a fun Sunday! Three highlights to look forward to…

  1. Blessing of the Backpacks | We have bag tags for all our kids (from pre-K to college). And we will offer a special blessing for all those connected to the start of another wonderful school year.
  2. Communion | Carol Mills will be playing piano this coming Sunday and she has a special piece for us during communion.
  3. The State of Peace | At 11:15am, we will have a short all-church meeting to update everyone on what’s been happening behind the scenes at Peace these last four months. We will get updates from Trustees, Finance, SPRC, and Steering.

The theme for the message and the music is ‘Blessing’. Specific readings will come from Deuteronomy 11:26-28 and Matthew 5:1-12.

Video of Sunday’s Service

We are experiencing some technical challenges as we attempt to create the video of Sunday’s outdoor service. Once we have the video completed, we will be sure to send everyone the link. We apologize for the delay.

Jason’s Jot (below) is a reflection on the same passages that were highlighted in our discussion of The Greatest Commandment.

Reconciliation Book Study

Book Study: How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
As a church committed to reconciliation, the removal of barriers that inhibit healthy relationships and flourishing, Peace Church has received a grant for the purchase of books for a study on racial reconciliation. We have chosen How to Be an Anti-Racist, the renowned book by author Ibram X. Kendi. 

This study will take place over five meetings this fall as a special lunch break. Here are the dates/times:
Tuesday, October 11  | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, October 25 | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, November 8 | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, November 22 | 12:00-1:00pm
Tuesday, December 6 | 12:00-1:00pm

We will plan for both in-person and virtual attendance (a Zoom link will be sent out to all participants).

Please email Pastor Jason ( if you are interested in this study and would like a copy of the book.

Jason’s Jot Preview (read more below)

Before you can be a person who starts to tackle the to-do list, you first need to learn to listen and hear what you should be aiming at. Otherwise, we might step in the wrong direction or do things for the wrong reasons.

A Farewell ‘Thank You’

The joy of our worship experience together this past Sunday—our last as staff members—could only be eclipsed (and it was!) by the wonderful time we spent together last night basking in the warmth and love revealed in your many cards and notes. Now it’s our turn to thank you for being such a loving and gracious community—a place for us to belong, to grow and to share in for nearly 50 years! It is appropriate that we adopt different roles in the Peace community at this time. But we both look forward to continuing to participate in and contribute to the life of the community. We are excited for what the future may hold for Peace, and trust that you will continue to grace it, and those who take our places on the church staff, with your boundless kindness, patience, love, and support.

– – Cindy and Dave Tidball

Mark Your Calendar!

September 11 – Blessing of the Backpacks, Communion, State of Peace (after the service)
September 18 – Rally Sunday
October 2 – Communion (back to first Sundays)
October 9 – 60th Celebration Sunday
October 20-21 – MEA
October 28-30 – Women’s Retreat
October 30 – All Saints Sunday

Upcoming Events

Blessing of the Backpacks
On Sunday, September 11th we will celebrate the start of the new school year with a blessing of the backpacks during our Sunday morning service. From pre-K through college, bring a backpack and bring a friend…we will have a special backpack tag for everyone!

The State of Peace
Also on Sunday, September 11th, stay around after the service for a short 30-minute all-church meeting. We want to update everyone on all the work we’ve been doing over the summer and our plans for the fall. We will get brief updates from Trustees, SPRC, Finance, and Pastor Jason. 

Rally Day!
On Sunday, September 18th we will launch the new fall season with our annual Rally Day. Leaders from every ministry and opportunity at our church will be present to share about how we can all find a way to get involved in the dynamic work of our church. We have big dreams…so we need everyone to join the team!

Family Ministry Updates

Family Game Nights
Thanks to everyone who came out on August 21; we enjoyed croquet, floats, and a beautiful sunset. Mark your calendars for our next Family Game Night on Sunday, September 25. We plan on grilling over the fire, eating up the s’mores, and enjoying more floats and games. Let Amanda know if you have any special game requests! In October we might change up the menu–maybe bring your favorite crockpot dish?

Summer Book Club
Our final session has been re-scheduled for September 25 from 11:15-12:15 in The Gathering Place. There was interest in meeting and discussing the book as parents and caregivers. Feel free to attend even if you haven’t read it. We may watch Brene Brown’s Ted Talk, or we may just discuss chapters 5-7 (read it ahead of time if you can). The book is Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.

Encore Group
Our middle school and high school students will re-convene beginning on Sunday evening, September 11 from 7:00-8:30pm in the Fellowship Hall Lounge. Be thinking about topics you want to cover, questions you may have about faith, culture, politics, or whatever you and your friends would find helpful in a church youth group.

Volunteer Opportunities

Peace is helping keep Sadie and Joe’s lawn trim and neat this summer while Joe undergoes treatment. Sign up here to help with lawn duty.

The next Good Neighbor Meal is just days away, September 10th. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

Help us expand the ways we invite others into our faith community through our hospitality:

  • Sunday morning fellowship treats
  • Sunday morning greeting and name tags
  • Wedding coordinator
  • Funeral coordinator

Talk to Quita Bertelsen or Sue Fried, or sign up here to help with hospitality.

Jason’s Jot

I’m not a person who likes to slow down. I might like the occasional slow morning where I can drink some coffee and read for a few minutes, but those days are so infrequent that it’s usually a sprint from breakfast to the pillow. It seems that my to-do list is what defines me and my time more than almost anything else. I would love to say that my faith is what drives me…and that’s probably true – it’s what has led to my professional choices, my parenting style, how I partner with and love my wife, etc. – but my faith can also be on the back burner of the list of things that need to get done.

I wonder if this is why The Greatest Commandment doesn’t start with the word LOVE.

Pause…read that again. The Greatest Commandment – the one that most of us know by heart as ‘Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength’ – doesn’t start with the word LOVE. It’s true. Read Mark 12:28-31.

Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'”

HEAR – Listen, pay attention, slow down and absorb what I’m about to say.

This quote that Jesus uses is from the most famous verse in the Hebrew Scriptures (or as Christians have called it…the Old Testament). Deuteronomy 6:4-9 is called the Shema and it would have been the most quoted and most well-known passage by every person in the community. And Jesus recognizes and highlights its guiding wisdom.

Before you can be a person who starts to tackle the to-do list, you first need to learn to listen and hear what you should be aiming at. Otherwise, we might step in the wrong direction or do things for the wrong reasons.

For me, this is all about our posture. Are we facing our own reflection in the mirror – believing our way is the best way? Are we facing other people – believing they have the wisdom to guide our every step? Are we facing toward God – believing that Divine Love and Presence will lead us towards wholeness? Maybe it’s all of the above? Maybe God invites us to draw on the wisdom of our community and our inner passions as they align with LOVE.

We often talk at Peace about being in healthy relationship with God, others, ourselves, and with creation. Do we pause long enough, do we listen long enough to know if those relationships are healthy?

For some of us, we haven’t connected with God in years. It’s scary. We’ve been let down. We don’t know where to start. Maybe a simple prayer of ‘I’m here and I’m listening’ is what we need to get us started.

For some of us, we haven’t listened well to the wisdom of others. We’ve been quick to judge and quick to cast blame, but are we quick to show mercy and offer forgiveness. Maybe we need to ask more questions than we are prepared to give excuses.

For some of us, we haven’t asked ourselves how we are doing. That might be scary too. We’ve neglected ourselves and don’t want to feel that shame. But maybe now is the time to take an honest inventory and seek your own health. You are only able love others as you’ve loved yourself (I’m pretty sure Jesus says that somewhere – See Mark 12:31).

For some of us, we haven’t been in rhythm with creation. We’ve been going going going and neglecting a flow. We don’t even know where to start. I suggest a walk in the woods. Hear, smell, touch God’s good creation. The patience of the harvest, the calm of the winter, the excitement of the spring – these seasons can teach us about what it means to be human.

Loving God with all of our being doesn’t start with our efforts to love – as important as that is. It starts with a posture of hearing God. Slowing down and listening. If we can do that, we set ourselves up to love others, ourselves, creation, and God well!