Sunday’s Preview: August 21

Do you know you are an artist? Do you know that in your unique design, God placed creativity in your soul that is meant to be experienced? Do you know there is a rhythm to life and work and creativity and community and spirituality that allows the whole experience to hum and flow? This Sunday we will explore Genesis 1 (the birth of creativity) and Genesis 2 (the birth of rhythm).

Preview…Jason’s Jots (read more below)

The one who runs this house is constantly showing up with patience, hope, love, grace, and humility. Because it takes humility to not demand someone be exactly as you would want them to be. It takes humility not to shame someone when they have failed. It takes humility to celebrate someone and welcome someone even if they might not deserve it.

Events for Your Calendar

August 21 – Family Game Night
August 27 – Peace Service Project and Movie Night (Youth Grades 6-12)
August 28 – Dave and Cindy Tidball Retirement Celebration (after worship)
September 4 – Last Outdoor Worship (Labor Day Sunday)
September 11 – Blessing of the Backpacks, Communion, State of Peace (after the service)
September 18 – Rally Sunday
October 2 – Communion (back to first Sundays)
October 9 – 60th Celebration Sunday
October 20-21 – MEA
October 28-30 – Women’s Retreat
October 30 – All Saints Sunday

Peace is Turning 60! We need photos and addresses

We need some help getting a few pictures. Here are a couple gaps we have…

  • Outdoor worship area being built or pictures of it being enjoyed
  • Confirmation photos from 1962-1984, 1997, 1998, 2000-present

Photos can be emailed to Pam Jacobson (

We also need up-to-date addresses (US mail and/or email) for former members of Peace. If you have stayed in touch with former members, we’d appreciate your sending their addresses to Lesa Monroe ( so we can invite as many people as possible and celebrate well together.

Family Ministry Updates

Family Game Night
Sunday, August 21, 5:30-7:30 pm
Outside, weather permitting
Peace will provide hotdogs for grilling, buns, plasticware, outdoor games, and a bonfire. Families may bring a dish to share, friends, more games, lawn chairs and beverages.

Peace Service Project and Movie Night
Saturday, August 27, 3-9 pm
Youth (grades 6-12) will help with indoor and outdoor projects at Peace. Once work is completed, we will get pizza and watch a movie together. All supplies and food are provided by Peace.

Volunteer Opportunities

Peace is helping keep Sadie and Joe’s lawn trim and neat this summer while Joe undergoes treatment. Sign up here to help with lawn duty.

The next Good Neighbor Meal is on August 27. Sign up here to help prepare and serve.

Help us expand the ways we invite others into our faith community through our hospitality:

  • Sunday morning fellowship treats
  • Sunday morning greeting and name tags
  • Wedding coordinator
  • Funeral coordinator

Talk to Quita Bertelsen or Sue Fried, or sign up here to help with hospitality.

Prayer Request

Please hold Deb Stanton in your prayers at this time.  Her husband Dave reports that she is on medication and bed rest for an infection.

Jason’s Jots

But what about the older brother?! On Sunday, we talked about the story of the younger son who left home and squandered all the money he inherited from the one who ran the household. We talked about the type of embrace and welcome that this prodigal son was met with when he came to his senses and headed for home. We talked about the grace of the father who ran to his son and didn’t even bother to listen to his son’s apology, but instead put a ring on his finger and told the household to prepare for a party. 

But there’s another son. There’s a second half to this story. The older brother who never left. The older brother who hasn’t yet received the inheritance. The older brother who can’t fathom why they are throwing a party for someone who threw away a fortune. What does his story tell us about the nature of grace and the requirement of humility?

Just as the father showed grace to the younger son by allowing him to leave, by giving him more than he deserved, by welcoming him home with no shame; the father shows up in grace to his older son. 

He doesn’t wait for him in the house, but he goes down to meet him in the field. He doesn’t shame him for his disapproving attitude and disdain for his brother, but orients him towards his brother by encouraging empathy. He doesn’t demand that he come to the party, but simply reminds him that he’s always been invited.

The one who runs this house is constantly showing up with patience, hope, love, grace, and humility. Because it takes humility to not demand someone be exactly as you would want them to be. It takes humility not to shame someone when they have failed. It takes humility to celebrate someone and welcome someone even if they might not deserve it.

It’s fair to say that in our human way of looking at this story, neither brother should be invited to this party. But the one running this house simply can’t operate another way. All are welcome. This home is for everyone. 

I wonder what it would look like if we had this grace and this humility when we interacted with others. I wonder what it would look like if our systems didn’t discriminate based on power and privilege, but just cared well for people. I wonder what it would look like if our enemies knew we were already throwing a party for them.