Congregational Approval of Pastor Jason Steffenhagen’s Pastoral Support Package

There will be a Church Conference, Congregational Meeting, to approve the Pastoral Support Package for Pastor Jason Steffenhagen Sunday April 10, 2022 at 11:30 am. Pastor Steffenhagen is being appointed to Peace beginning Sunday, May 1, 2022. Part of the procedure of the transition is to present the Pastoral Support Package agreed to by the Pastoral Search Team for approval of the congregation before the new pastor begins their appointment at Peace. The Church Conference will be the opportunity for the congregation to move, discuss and vote on his Pastoral Support Package.


7 pm

Bobby Jo Valentine’s artistry crosses the lines of many genres, but his thoughtful lyrics and catchy melodies reach listeners on all paths of life. The authentic, heartfelt nature of his songs have won him Songwriter of the Year at both the West Coast Songwriter’s Association and the SoCo Songwriter Competition, the Nashville Next Level Songwriter award, and more. He’s sold over 20,000 albums and performed more than 1500 concerts, all without a record label, with the support of devoted groups of fans and friends who grow in number after every performance. And he’s coming to present a live concert at Peace Community of Faith in celebration of Pastor Gary’s ministry with us over the past 11 years!

Lenten Worship Series
40 Day of Being Good Enough

As we journey through Lent to Easter, we will question our culture’s obsession with achievement and perfection. Based on Kate Bowler’s book, Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection. Are you “good enough”?

During this week’s worship experience, we will explore the need for extravagant love and grace in the face of extravagant human need. Guilt, shame, and fear of being seen as a failure can leave us wallowing in the pig pen. Our delusions of a perfectible life keep us disappointed in ourselves. Truth is, life is a big ole risk every single day and facing whatever each day holds is not only good enough, but worthy of love and grace. We will do this as singer-songwriter Bobby Jo Valentine joins Pastor Gary in conversation. Come join us for this non-traditional worship experience.

Join Peace Conversations Saturday, March 26, 2022
Time: 9 am to 10 am
Topic: Reawakening Our Faith: Exploring Celtic Christianity

Based on John Philip Newell’s 2021 book Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls know and Healing the World.

Celtic Christianity is a little-known, ecologically based faith that can help us rediscover the natural rhythms of life and deepen our spiritual connection with Life (God), with each other, and with the earth.
While you do not need to read the book to participate in Peace Conversations, for these sessions it will be helpful to read individual chapters as they apply to each session.

A Zoom invite for the session Saturday, February 26 is below.

Cracking Open the Bible: March 29, 2022

On Tuesday, March 29, we will be continuing our journey through Acts, looking at chapter 27. You can join the group by clicking on the link below Tuesday evening.

Topic: Peace Cracking Open the Bible
Time: Mar 29, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 9346 9563
Passcode: 063082

Sharing Our Joys and Concerns

In our pandemic-influenced world, many things have changed, but not our sense of community. We remain deeply connected even while we maintain a proper physical and social distance. We need to share news with one another. We long to know what is going on in each other’s lives. And we need a safe way to share our joys and concerns. For now, our safe way will be for you to share your joy or concern with Gary (text to 651-387-4095 or email and also indicate your permission if you want him to share your news in Sunday worship, and/or with the Prayer Chain (about 25 people), and/or via the full Peace email group (about 175 people).