January 23, 2022

Beloved Participants of Peace Community of Faith,

After over a year of prayerful thought, I need to let you know that I will be retiring April 30, 2022. This has not been an easy decision for me because of the important ministry happening at Peace and because of the love with which I hold you, the Peace congregation. 

I have made this decision not only because it is the right time for me to retire, but because it is a good time for Peace to be open to new clergy leadership. In conversation with the Minnesota state level of the United Methodist Church I have been informed that there is a good pool of clergy who will be interested in leading the Peace congregation into a growing and sustainable future.

There is also a good group of leaders at Peace who will represent and advocate for the congregation in this transition. Soon, a representative from the United Methodist Church in Minnesota will begin meeting with this group to develop a congregational profile of Peace to share with interested clergy. We will keep you informed through this transition.

I have been blessed to serve Peace since July 2010 and hope my ministry has blessed you in some way. You will always have an important place in my heart.

In God’s Love,

Gary Walpole
Pastor, Peace Community of Faith