Peace Notes is here to bring you some uplifting news during this coronavirus pandemic as well as keep you up to date on what is happening at Peace and within the United Methodist Church.

Best News of the Week:

This is my life song!

News from Peace:

Memorial Day Parade

There has only been one response for the Memorial Day Parade. If you are interested please let me know by tomorrow, Friday May 22.

On  Sunday morning, May 24, 2020, you are invited to participate in a Memorial Day Parade. This will be like our Easter Parade, but without the snow.

This will be a way for us to celebrate Memorial Day together while maintaining a healthy physical distance.

To participate:

1) Reply to this email so we can begin to develop a list of who will be participating in the parade.

2) Put two large signs identifying who you are on both sides of the car, possibly in both back seat windows or on outside doors. This will identify who is in the car to the people we will be visiting.

3) An email will be sent to those participating by Sunday morning at 8 am with route information, names and addresses of those we will be visiting. It will be important to bring the route information with you since there will be none available at Peace.

4) Show up at Peace by 10:00 am and stay in your car!

5) I anticipate we will wait for a few minutes, after all we live on Peace Time.

6) Each person or persons we visit will be given a phone call before we arrive so they can be at a window or door to be greeted as the Memorial Day Parade passes by.

If you would like to participate in the Memorial Day Parade please email me at and let me know you would like to be part of the parade.

If you cannot participate in the Memorial Day Parade, we would like to include you on our route. Please send me an email at
saying, “Include me on the Memorial Day Parade route.” All of the Minneapolis/St. Paul area can be included in the parade route. If you live in Arizona, sorry. Almost everyone else is within the parade route parameters.

If you know of people who may benefit by being included on the route of the Memorial Day Parade please send me an email at saying, “Please include… on the Memorial Day Parade route, there address and phone number are…”

We will work out any kinks in planning the Memorial Day Parade next week.

Fifth Sunday is Coming

May is another of those months with five Sundays. That means another opportunity to help Peace Church chip away at the principal on its mortgage. You now have the option to contribute to Fifth Sundays online, too! Just click the Fund dropdown to select Fifth Sunday rather than General Budget. Or, if you prefer, you can mail your check to Peace Church with “5th Sunday” written in the memo line.

The May-June Upper Room is here. If you would like a copy of this daily devotional booklet mailed to your house, please send an email to Cindy ( to request one.

United Methodist Happenings

Migrant Children Being Deported Under COVID-19 Guise

Grace Connections of the Week:
Grace connections invites you to find the power of God’s love in the midst of the harm, confusion and news of the week. Below are a few stories from the news of the week.

Photos of the Week: 

May 9-15, 2020 in pictures

Videos of the Week:

Father & Son (Cat Stevens Lockdown Parody)

Adopted dog takes 97-day walk back to foster mom

Me and we: Individual rights, common good and coronavirus