May 18, 2020
Dear Rev. Gary Walpole and Members and Friends of Peace UMC,
We are writing to express our deep appreciation and thanks to you for your incredible leadership during this unprecedented and challenging time. We know the enormous work it has taken for you to find new ways to be the church during this time of sheltering-in-place, to continue growing in your own faith and to keep
reaching new people.
We rejoice in your generosity to those in your communities as you stepped up to make face masks, stock food shelves and care for the most vulnerable in your midst. We also rejoice in your financial generosity to your local churches and through your faithful apportionment payments. Your generosity is transforming your communities, keeping your congregations stable and allowing the annual conference to continue providing exceptional care and resources to all of our United Methodist ministries in the Minnesota Annual Conference.
While we have many months to go to get through this pandemic we are impressed and encouraged with all the ways that everyone has stepped up to help and support one another. We are remaining steady and strong during this time because of your hard work and we give thanks and praise to God for you. Let us know how we can continue resourcing our local churches as we are eager to partner with you always but especially during this challenging time.
This was signed by Bruce Ough, Bishop of the Minnesota Annual Conference; Susan Nienaber, Superintendent of the Big Waters District; and Cindy Gregorson, Director of Connectional Ministries, along with the superintendents of the other four districts in our state.