Sponsored by COSROW (Commission on Status and Role of Women)

October 8 – 10, 2021
ARC Retreat Center
1680 – 373rd Avenue NE 
Stanchfield, MN 55080 | 763-689-3540

“Poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou is celebrated using her own words set over rare photographs and video illustrating her remarkable life.”

“Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.”

(Excerpt from Maya Angelou’s poem – Still I Rise)
We will watch portions of the documentary and discuss our thoughts and ideas about Maya Angelou’s life and work. No reading or pre-work required. If you have books by Maya Angelou please feel free to bring and share.
Registration Information
$250.00 per person for a single room, $175 per person for shared double.  Financial assistance is available. Contact Cindy Tidball (cindy@peaceumc.com) with questions. 
We are arranging for massages to be offered (additional cost). If interested in massage, contact Pat Pierce at patleachpierce@gmail.com or call 612-382-7086.
To register, contact Jean Leatherman at jeanleath@hotmail.com with your name, preferred email address, and whether or not you’d like a massage. Then mail your $100 deposit to:
   Jean Leatherman 
   3013 Simpson Street
   Roseville, MN 55113
Please register by June 1st, 2021. 

If you have special dietary concerns, talk to Cynthia at ARC (763-689-3540).
Additional information will be sent via email as we get closer to the retreat dates.
Tentative Retreat Schedule
Friday, October 8th
Arrive any time after 2 pm 
5:30 pm           Dinner 
Saturday, October 9th
7:30 am           Morning stretch
8:30 am           Breakfast
10:00 am         And Still I Rise – Video and Discussion
11:30 am         Free time
12:30 pm         Lunch
1:30 pm           And Still I Rise – Video and Discussion 
3:30 pm           Craft/Free time – explore, nap, read, relax
5:30 pm           Dinner
Movie and/or s’mores at the fire ring   
Sunday, October 10th
7:30 am           Morning stretch
8:30 am           Breakfast
10:00 am         Worship
12:30 pm         Lunch 
1:00 pm           Evaluation
1:30 pm           Homeward bound

Participation in any of these planned events is optional.  
This is your retreat, so do what feels best to you!