May 10, 2020 Thanks for joining Peace Time, an audio worship experience with Peace Community of Faith.
The life and death of Jesus had one strong message that was both overt and inherent: love one another. The heart of the matter was, is, and always shall be… love. This is our theme for the weekly worship experiences after Easter, an affirmation that love is the “Heart of the Matter.”
You are invited to use the pattern those who were members of the early Jesus Movement used to experience God through their faith in Jesus.
“Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people.”
Acts 2:46-47
By sharing in these words and music, by sitting in your own sacred space, by breathing in and out we are communing together and are connected. This is the “heart of the matter,” nothing separates us from the love of God that is ours in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:39b).
So, before you listen to the Peace Time audio, I invite you to
1) make a sacred space for yourself or as a family.
2) choose a favorite beverage and food to have during the Peace Time audio.
3) listen to the theme song:
“Love is My Religion” by Ziggy Marley
4) Right before you begin listening take a few deep breaths. With each deep breath in, think to yourself, “I breathe in peace,” and with each breath out, think to yourself, “I breathe out love.”
Peace Time
You will be prompted to return to this page part way through the recording to ponder the following questions:
What have you done lately to honor the holy in you – to love yourself, and take care of yourself?
Have you witnessed people doing the right thing for others?
Recall occasions when you have witnessed people doing acts of justice for others.
Share these stories as it seems appropriate.