March 15, 2021. Easter’s Coming on April 4!

It’s time to think about decorating our sanctuary with Easter plants and helping Ralph Reeder Food Shelf during MN Foodshare Month.

First, the flowers.

We are pleased to provide you with a variety of options from Hummingbird Floral again this year. 

Please submit your orders no later than March 28 so your flowers will be here in time for Easter! Use the attached order form to tell us what kind of plant(s) you want; then either

  • Mail the form and your check to Cindy (address is on the order form below), or
  • Place the form with your payment in the offering plate on Sunday, March 21st or 28th.

You may pick up your plant after Easter worship on April 4.

Now for the food.

Peace and other local faith community partners have again been invited to participate in the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign.  It’s hard to realize that over 2000 children, adults, and seniors in our community use the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf each month.  Find more  Minnesota  Hunger Facts 2021 here.

You may want to put together a meal kit, baking bag, or YOU bag to help. Or to contribute directly, go to the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf home page and scroll down.


TypeDescriptionCostNumber of eachTotal cost 
6” Easter lily3-4 bloom$12.95  
6” Easter lily5-6 bloom$19.95  
8” double Easter lily $28.95  
8” mixed bulb gardenIn pot$16.95  
8” mixed bulb gardenIn wicker basket$23.95  
10” window box bulb gardenTulips, daffodils, hyacinth$14.99  
6.5” single flower bulb potsChoose tulip, daffodil, or hyacinth$11.95  
6” kalanchoePink, white, red, orange, yellow$16.50  
6” cyclamenMixed colors$16.50  
HydrangeaPink, blue$30.95  
6” Reiger begoniaAssorted colors$16.95  
  _______Total number plants ordered$ _______Amount due now

Your name: ___________________________________________________

_____ In memory of                      -or-                 _____ in honor of: 


______ Check enclosed (Make your check payable to Peace Community of Faith, and–since our forwarded mail can be unreliable and less than timely–please mail it with this completed form to Cindy Tidball, 2496 County Road C2 West, #210, Roseville, MN, 55113. Or, you may bring the form and payment to church with you on March 21 or 28.)

Thank you for caring. Enjoy a blessed Easter.