The in-person worship planning task force has developed a safe and effective plan for in-person worship. Now, what is needed is volunteers willing to take up the tasks that will implement the plan.

  • Six greeters/ushers will be needed each Sunday to welcome worshipers, explain safety procedures, ensure that we have contact tracing information and assist worshipers with seating and worship materials.
  • Two worship leaders will be needed each Sunday to assist Gary and Dave with readings and movement leadership during worship.
  • Two videographers will be needed each Sunday to take the video that will be used to create an online version of our in-person worship for those who choose to continue to worship in this way.
  • One sound technician will be needed each Sunday to run the sound board and to monitor the audio recording needed for the online version of worship.

Our reopening plan also encourages people over 60 and/or with compromising health conditions, or who work in Covid-19 high risk atmospheres, to carefully consider the risks involved with in-person gatherings, and this encouragement also applies to any who might be considering volunteering. These factors may diminish the size of our pool of potential volunteers, so the task force would like to encourage everyone who is able and willing to step up and help out as much as possible.

You may sign up as far ahead as you would like, but it is particularly important that we concentrate on getting off to a good start by filling these positions in the first several weeks.

So – please follow the link below to the SignUpGenius page and sign up to help out as you are able and willing!