Peace Time: May 9, 2021

Who Can Withhold? Break Forth! The Psalm for today describes all of creation offering joyful noises to God. Our joy is complete because the joy of Christ resides within us. We cannot help but break forth. This joy is available to all, realizes the community in the...

May has 5 Sundays!

That means another opportunity to help Peace Church chip away at the principal on its mortgage. You may choose to contribute to Fifth Sundays online (go to participants-page on our website, note the Donate area, log in to Simple Church, and click the Fund dropdown to...

Peace Time: May 2, 2021

Dancing requires that we pay attention to the steps, that we watch for the steps of those who have danced this dance of life before–those whose seeking and questioning and dreaming can lead us to seek and hope and dream. Imagine now a dreamer in whose steps you...