Focus on Photography

Join L.I.F.E. on April 19. The Living in Full Effectiveness (L.I.F.E.) Group invites interested friends of Peace to join us for our next program on Monday, April 19, at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. “Photography for Amateurs,” presented by Eric Hucke, promises to be an...

Peace Time: April 11, 2021

With Great Power: Dancing Together.Dancing requires that we pay attention to our dance partners. It requires finding a rhythm together. The Sunday after Easter brings the sacred story of Jesus appearing to the disciples and breathing the Holy Spirit on them. Other...

Peace Conversations: Love is the Way (Session 4)

April 8, 2021. Based on the book “Love Is The Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times” by Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry. This Saturday April 10, 2021 – 9:30 am – 11:00 am9:30-10:00 Gathering Time (Visit and learn Zoom Tools)10:00-11:00 Peace ConversationIf you...

Peace Time: Easter – April 4, 2021

For All Peoples a Feast: Dare to Dance Again.On a morning when all seemed lost, a stone had rolled away to uncover the feast of all feasts, the joy of all joys. The shroud of death had become a veil for gladness, for celebration, for dancing. What if we stopped trying...