Peace Notes: A Call to Faithfulness

January 7, 2021. We have been living the last year with trying to balance shock and normalcy. I, hopefully like you, was shocked at the events in Washington, DC yesterday. Today, I want to share my thoughts as a faith leader and what it means to be faithful. I was...

January has 5 Sundays!

That means another opportunity to help Peace Church chip away at the principal on its mortgage. You may choose to contribute to Fifth Sundays online (go to participants-page on this website, note the Donate area, log in to Simple Church, and click the Fund dropdown to...

Peace Time: January 3, 2021

Hope Made Real A Worship Service by the United Methodist Minnesota Annual ConferenceWhere is your hope anchored? You’re invited to a worship service that explores that question. The five district superintendents of the Minnesota United Methodist Annual Conference each...

Short Musical Meditations from Peace

December 31, 2020. Every year, I find that the majority of my Christmas music remains unplayed and unsung. There is so much music, and the season is short. As I was refiling music earlier this week, I happened upon three songs that I wish I had found an occasion for...