Peace Notes: October 31, 2020

Best News of the Week: Moms Unite For 2020 Voting Walz, Dayton, Pawlenty, Ventura Launch Unite For Voting you have voted, thank you! If you have not voted yet, you have...

Special Peace Notes: October 28, 2020

Dear Participants of Peace Community of Faith, Following the recommendations of the Minnesota Annual Conference I am stopping in-person worship at Peace for the foreseeable future. October 23rd saw the highest daily rate of Covid 19 cases in the United States...

Peace Time: October 25, 2020

Life of the Soul I am the good shepherd. John 10:11-21 Resurrection is the power of Life in the midst of Death. The worship series “Life of the Soul” will explore how we can mindfully experience the power of Life through the presence of the risen Christ.The faith...

Peace Time: October 18, 2020

Life of the Soul I am the door of the sheep. John 10:1-10 Resurrection is the power of Life in the midst of Death. The worship series “Life of the Soul” will explore how we can mindfully experience the power of Life through the presence of the risen Christ.The faith...

Vee: October 16, 2020

The Incredible Unexpected Journey This year has been a very tough year for my family and I, the most eye opener one could get is the confirmation that no one is promised tomorrow.  It has changed the way I look at the world, the way I look at my precious time, my...