Peace Notes: September 19, 2020

Best News of the Week: Ruth Bader Ginsburg: ‘Inspiring, revolutionary, a fighter’ News from Peace: Making the Best of a Virtual Worldby David Tidball With close personal contact still a health-threatening...

Peace Time: September 13, 2020

The Day is Coming: We are One Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. ~Amos 5:24  Worship without justice is not acceptable,rather our songs must move us to action on behalf of justice.Inspired by the Hebrew prophet Amos,...

Peace Notes: September 12, 2020

Best News of the Week: Boy Donates 22,000 Diapers To Single Moms Using Funds From His Lemonade Stand News from Peace: The Book: A Cautionary Taleby Gary Walpole “These people who...